South China Morning Post - Singapore schools offer ‘safety and security’ for families leaving Hong Kong protests behind | OCSC Global

South China Morning Post – Singapore schools offer ‘safety and security’ for families leaving Hong Kong protests behind

Singapore schools offer ‘safety and security’ for families leaving Hong Kong protests behind


At Singapore’s ISS, inquiries from Hong Kong parents have increased 60 per cent from previous years. And it’s not alone

Hong Kong’s ongoing unrest is one reason but parents are also attracted to Singapore’s bilingual system and highly rated universities

When Singapore’s ISS International School held a community event last month, a concerned Hong Kong family approached the school’s admissions department. They wanted to discuss the growing network of Hong Kong-based parents considering sending their children to study in Singapore.

Singapore-based relocation consultancy OCSC Global said political uncertainty and violence in Hong Kong
remain the main motivation for Hong Kong families looking at options abroad.

Its director, Philip Ng, said families mostly inquired about requirements for permanent residency in
Singapore, and the steps needed to send their children to study there or to move some parts of their business

Article credit on South China Morning Post

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