New Zealand (NZ) Student & Work Visa Services | OCSC
New Zealand (NZ) Visas

Hassle-free NZ Student Visa, Work Visa, and Other New Zealand Visa Services

Are you planning a trip to the beautiful land of New Zealand? Whether it’s for a vacation, study or work, obtaining a visa for New Zealand can be a real task. But fret not, we are here to help! 

Our hassle-free New Zealand visa services, like NZ student visa or NZ work visa, are designed to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Our team of experienced professionals will guide you through every step of the way, ensuring that you have all the necessary documents and information required for a successful visa application. With our help, you can enjoy the stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality of New Zealand without any worries. 


Application Services

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visas
If you possess valuable skills, qualifications, and work experience, the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa offers you the opportunity to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely. The visa is based on a points system that considers factors such as age, work experience, qualifications, and a job offer in New Zealand.

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Entrepreneur Resident Visa
If you're an entrepreneur looking to establish or purchase a business in New Zealand, our Entrepreneur Resident Visa could be the perfect option for you. This visa is designed for individuals who have a viable business idea, experience in running a business, and the ability to contribute to New Zealand's economy.

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The NZeTA (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority) is a mandatory requirement for visitors to New Zealand from visa-waiver countries. With our easy-to-use online application system, you can quickly apply for your NZeTA and receive it via email within minutes. This visa is valid for up to 2 years and allows multiple entries into New Zealand for stays of up to 90 days.

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Visitor Visa
If you're planning a short-term visit to New Zealand for tourism, family visits, or business purposes, our Visitor Visa is the way to go. The visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for up to 9 months and can be applied for online or through our visa services. .

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Parent and Grandparent Visitor Visa
If you have family members in New Zealand and wish to visit them for an extended period, our Parents and Grandparents Visitor Visa is a great option. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for up to 6 months and can be applied for online or through our visa services.

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Working Holiday Visa
If you're between the ages of 18-30 and looking to experience New Zealand's culture while working and travelling, our Working Holiday Visa is the perfect option. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for up to 12 months and work for any employer for up to 6 months.

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Fee Paying Student Visa
If you're looking to study in New Zealand at a tertiary institution, our Fee Paying Student Visa is the way to go. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for the duration of your course and work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays.

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Pathway Student Visa
If you're a student who wishes to undertake a pathway of courses to reach a higher level of study, our Pathway Student Visa is the perfect option. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for the duration of your course and work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays.

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Post-study Work Visa
If you're a student who has completed a qualification in New Zealand, our Post-Study Work Visa allows you to stay in New Zealand and work for any employer for up to 3 years. This visa is designed to help you gain work experience and contribute to New Zealand's economy.

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Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa
If you're a citizen of Singapore looking to work in New Zealand, our Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa is the perfect option. This visa allows you to work in New Zealand for up to 6 months and can be applied for online or through our visa services.

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Dependent Child Resident Visa
If you have a child who is a New Zealand resident or citizen, our Dependent Child Resident Visa allows you to join them in New Zealand. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for the duration of your child's visa and can be applied for online or through our visa services.

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Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa
If you're in a relationship with a New Zealand resident or citizen, our Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa allows you to join them in New Zealand. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for the duration of your partner's visa and can be applied for online or through our visa services.

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Parent Resident Visa
If you're in a relationship with a New Zealand resident or citizen and wish to stay in New Zealand indefinitely, our Partner Resident Visa is the perfect option. This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for the duration of your relationship and can be applied for online or through our visa services.

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Investor 1 & 2 Resident Visa

If you're an investor looking to contribute to New Zealand's economy, our Investor 1 & 2 Resident Visa is the perfect option. This visa allows you to invest a certain amount of capital into New Zealand and stay in the country indefinitely.

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Whether you’re looking for a short-term visit or permanent residence in New Zealand, our visa services have got you covered. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or assistance with your visa application.

Need to apply for a visa to Canada? Our team of skilled professionals will assist you in obtaining your Canada Permanent Residence or Canada study permit. Contact us immediately and we’ll expertly navigate the process for you, with no stress or hassle.

Our team can assist you in putting together a strong application and provide you with any information you need to apply for Visa.

Benefits of New Zealand Permanent Resident

Complimentary / Subsidised Healthcare

A New Zealand citizen or permanent resident may be eligible for New Zealand’s public healthcare system, where most of the costs will be borne by the government. The services include:

  • Subsidised primary healthcare services like doctor visits
  • Subsidies on prescribed medicines
  • Free public hospital services
  • Support services the disabled

Supported Living Payment

Get a weekly payment up to NZD$707.22 if you are unable to work due to a health condition, injury, disability, or totally blind which limits their ability to work, or if you are full-time caring for a person at home.

Jobseeker Support

Receive payment up to 52 weeks while looking for work, are in training for work, or unable to work due to a health condition, injury or disability.

Sole Parent Support

Receive a weekly payment up to NZD$522.24 if you are 20 years or older, continuously stayed in New Zealand for 2 or more years since becoming a permanent resident, be ordinarily resident in the country, have 1 or more dependent children under 14 years of age, and meeting one of the following requirements:
  • Living apart from your partner, and lost the support or being inadequately maintained by your partner
  • Divorced or had your civil union dissolved
  • Single (Never had a partner)
  • Lost the regular support of your partner due to imprisonment, or subject to release, or detention conditions that prevent employment
  • Your partner has died

Accommodation Supplement

Receive a non-taxable payment to cover accommodation costs via the Accommodation Supplement. You are required to meet the following requirements in order to receive the Accommodation Supplement:
  • Meet a cash asset test
  • Meet an income test
  • Have accommodation costs
  • Be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident or
  • Be deemed to hold a resident class visa in New Zealand under the Immigration Act 2009
  • and
  • Generally be ordinarily resident in New Zealand

Reciprocal Agreements

New Zealand currently has Reciprocal Agreements with 9 of the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Hellenic Republic (Greece)
  • Ireland
  • Jersey and Guernsey
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom

If you were a former resident of any of these 9 countries, the Reciprocal Agreement helps you access certain benefits and pension under the other country’s social security system.

Weekly Compensation

Receive a weekly payment up to 80% of your income if you are unable to carry usual work activities due to an injury that is covered.

20 Hours ECE

The 20 Hours ECE is a higher funding subsidy whereby the government subsidises children from 3 to 5 years old that take part in Early Childhood Education. The cost of sending your children to an early learning service can be fully subsidised for up to 6 hours a day and a maximum of 20 hours per week.

Free Primary and Secondary Education

Education at state schools (government owned and funded schools) are free of charge for your children between the ages of 5 to 19 if they are a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident.

Tertiary Education and Training

New Zealand permanent residents are entitled to only pay local fees for their tertiary education. You can also be eligible to apply for student loans, the Student Allowance and the Fees Free policy after you have been residing in New Zealand for at least three years.

Jobseeker Support Student Hardship

Receive a weekly payment up to NZD$527.86 as income support if you are a full-time student and do not have any employment during vacation periods.

Student Allowance

Full-time students who are enrolled in a recognised course of study at an approved education provider may receive Student Allowance to aid with living expenses.

New Zealand Superannuation

A fortnightly payment as a retirement income for those who have reached the age of 65 years old. The rate of payment varies as it is based on if you are:

  • Single and living alone
  • Single and living in a shared accommodation
  • Married, in a civil union or de facto relationship, and your partner is able to receive New Zealand Superannuation in their own right
  • Married, in a civil union or de facto relationship, and have a grandparented non-qualified partner included in their payment
  • Married, in a civil union or de facto relationship, and they have a non-qualifying partner who is not included in their payment
  • Eligible to receive or is currently receiving an overseas benefit or pension

SuperGold Card

The SuperGold Card is a discount and concession card that grants access to government concessions and discounts for daily goods and services. If you are entitled to receive the SuperGold Card as well as the Community Services Card, your SuperGold Card will have details of your Community Services Card (start and expiry date) printed on it. Requirements to qualify for the SuperGold Card are:

  • At least 65 years of age
  • Receving benefits from New Zealand Superannuation or
  • Receiving Veteran’s Pension or
  • Included as the grandparented non-qualified partner of the person getting New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension


  • Residentially qualified for the card

Community Services Card

Low and middle income earners are entitled to receive the Community Services Card and get access to subsidised health services for them and their family. You will automatically receive a Community Services Card if you are already receiving an income-tested benefit.

Great Quality of Life

With good work-life balance and ranking third as the world’s most peaceful country, New Zealand offers a great quality of life to you and your family. Not to mention the vast amount of natural beauty and friendly Kiwis, New Zealand is truly a lovely place to consider living in.

Migrant Settlement and Integration Strategy

For migrants who have resided in New Zealand for 5 years or less, the government will provide support to help migrants effectively settle in New Zealand. The 5 key outcome areas for the Strategy are:


  • Work Connect
  • Regional Newcomers Skills Matching and Job Search Assistance
  • New Kiwis
  • New Kiwi Career Success workshops
  • Employment and Enterprise programme
  • Migrant Employment Solutions
  • Skilled Newcomers programme
  • Job matching assistance programme
  • Skills placement programme

Education and Training

  • Bilingual support workers in schools

English language

  • ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) in schools
  • ESOL for adults


  • Migrant participation in host communities
  • Cross-government Intercultural Competence Development programme
  • Ezispeak telephone interpretation service
  • Welcoming Communities

Health and Wellbeing

  • Community Safety Patrols
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